The Story
Established. 2015
This whole concept was always a dream for me… I began making cakes around 10 years ago, making the odd birthday cake for family members and for my children on their birthdays. It soon became a hobby and I had started to get a few returning customers. For the next five years my custom did nothing but grow, I was overwhelmed by the amount of people loving what I was doing, and leaving my door, with their cakes as very happy customers.
As well as making the growing amount of cakes, I was juggling working full time as an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant at a local Basingstoke school, and also filling my evenings with hairdressing. Cake making had soon turned from a hobby to a passion, and something that I really wanted to pursue.
I attended some cake shows to gain inspiration and new ideas, and continued to learn and explore new techniques. In 2017 my business really hit its high, and juggling everything was becoming a struggle.
Christmas day 2017, my husband and two children handed me a box in which i opened to find one singular key and the paperwork ready for me to sign, to my very own little cake shop. I left my school job, and took the leap to take on Cake the biscuit full time!
After months of hard work, decorating, designing, and advertising, I finally had ‘Cake the Biscuit’ a base for my business, and the place where all of my creativity could flow. April 14th 2018, the shop officially opened, a very special day flooded with all of my regular customers, by passers, and family and friends.
I have received hundreds of cake orders since opening, without my growing customer base, I wouldn’t be here today doing what I love.
Don’t give up on what you love, work to your highest level, pursue your dreams and make them come true.
No longer a dream, but a reality, Cake the Biscuit.
”Maxine Tollett, who runs Cake the Biscuit, said she and her daughter Ashleigh were moved by the tragic news, they felt compelled to do something to help those suffering with mental health problems”
February 2019
‘ With everything that has happened over the last few days, it’s put absolutely everything into perspective. The most important thing to take from it all is kindness is so important. Take time out to speak to your friends & family, check up on everyone, and spread the love, always.
I am so fortunate to be in the position I am in, and therefore it’s my turn to give back…
I am going to be making boxes of 2 ‘Be Kind’ cupcakes, for you to share with a friend/a family member/ someone who needs a chat, or someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.
I have made the decision to give 100% of the profits to both the Samaritans and a mental health charity. Boxes will be £4’
After posting this on my social media pages, the amount of orders I received was truly overwhelming. Overall I raised £153.00 for each charity, and I personally delivered the money to ensure it was received by them directly! This was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done, and even if it helped a few people to speak to someone else and better their mental state, then it was a job well done!